Something else in the

world of tTravel apps

Something else in the

world of tTravel apps

Plan in 1 click

Get human-verified travel plans that can't be ChatGPTed

Earn money

Monetize your travel experience sharing your travel memories

Scratch map

Track your travels with an indie game vibe

Travel companion

Its name is “Me” and it'll give you hints along the way

Stats & stickers

See insights of your travel progress and be rewarded with stickers and Easter eggs


Set up your personal travel universe on the home screen

Artistic touch

The app's made with love for art. You'll see it, you'll hear it ;)

What else?

We're constantly adding new features, check our roadmap for more information


speed up the development by supporting us👇

Our movies

Step into the frame of an epic movie with tTravel

The itineraties of all these movies are available in the app


How can I earn with tTravel?

How to add my travel content to the app?

What is an itinerary and its price?

Do you help me build an itinerary?

Can I see the list of itineraries available in the app?

Is there any mandatory level of content quality in the itineraries?

What about taxes?

Questions left?

Made in Ukraine

with pride